Dublin Only, 2011, 42 min, an experimental documentary inspired by Walther Ruttmann's Berlin (1927) and Dziga Vertov's Man with a Movie Camera (1929). The film has been screened on 16th June, 2016 in Teatr Polski, Warsaw, as part of the Bloomsday celebrations organized by the Irish Embassy, and in the LexIcon Library, Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, as part of the Bloomsday Festival on 13th June 2018.
Gaga Schwarzwald, film impressions of the Black Forest region in Germany, 2015, 13 min
Landscape of the Soul, opening of the art exhibition by Andrzej Mazur and Adam Kos, Culture Box, Dublin, March 2014
TBone Kelly plays in Patriots Inn, Dublin, January 2013, 6.12 min
Mick Turner and Guests, opening of an art exhibition at Stoneybatter, Dublin, 20th August 2009, 8 min